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Rock of Refuge

ROCK OF REFUGE Full Gospel Assembly, Inc. is a developing Pentecostal church that focuses on sound biblical principles, scriptural truths, and the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit.

We provide vertical fellowship [God-ward] through prayer, worship, praise, and the inspired spoken Word of God.  We offer opportunities for horizontal fellowship [man-ward] through Christ-centered events and programs designed to stimulate both spiritual and personal socio-economic growth.

OUR MISSION is to facilitate holistic transformation in God's kingdom through a progressive Christ-centered ministry that dynamically meets the needs of contemporary society by promoting timeless biblical values.


There is plenty of

FREE off-street parking in the Fries Mill Plaza lot.

How to Dress

Our motto is

"Come as you are!"

We encourage you to dress in attire that will not impede your personal worship experience! So, whether your choice is church formal, church casual, chic casual, or "everyday" leisure--you'll fit in!

Length of Service

Our Sunday Morning Service usually lasts about 1 hour and 50 minutes, but we often remain for after-service fellowship time.


First-Time Visitors

Our door is open! 

Come in and settle into a seat

of your choosing.

Visitors are given a card to complete. Once completed, it can be placed in the offering basket at the time of free-will giving or handed to an usher. Visitors are always welcomed and acknowledged, but NOT put-on-the-spot to give a public testimony, nor pressured to join.


We take time to pray...

for the needs of the congregation and others during our opening prayer. After the preached Word, there may be a call to discipleship and/or an "altar" prayer in front of the church. The prayer may be united or individual. Prayer may be accompanied by the anointing with oil (on the forehead) and laying on of hands by one of our pastors.

(James 5:14)

Free-Will Offerings

Free-Will Offerings and Tithes...

are usually collected before the preached Word of God. Our pastors DO NOT coerce congregants into giving money over-and-above what they freely and initially desire to offer.

Our Worship Style

If God is not praised, the "Rocks" will cry out!


We sing, clap and raise our hands. We believe in "shouting" unto the Lord with our voices and feet (dance). Our song selections are designed for inclusion of all age groups. That's psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and of course--those inspiring and uplifting "new songs." We welcome the gifted and talented as well as those who make a joyful "noise" unto the Lord.

(Col. 3:16; Ps. 33:3, 149:1)

The Preached Word

Our pastors share the pulpit.


If you visit on the Sunday Pastor Greg preaches, expect to hear Pastor Donna preach on the next Sunday. There may even be an occasional duet sermon--stay tuned!


The unadulterated Word of God is always served fresh from the Holy Bible--which we believe to be the infallible inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16). The King James Version is typically read but other versions may be used to increase understanding. (Prov. 4:7)


Fulfilling the Apostolic Commission by spreading the Full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Good News of the life-changing power of
the Holy Spirit.

Fries Mill Plaza  Unit 113  |  198 Fries Mill Road, Turnersville, NJ  08012

(Entrance on Watson Drive - PNC Bank on Corner)


Fries Mill Plaza - Unit 113

198 Fries Mill Road

Turnersville, NJ 08012

Tel: 856-885-2801


Pastors Greg & Donna Pinckney


(GPS may show Blackwood, NJ)

From Fries Mill Road...

Turn onto Watson Drive.

Unit 113 is behind PNC Bank.

From Route 42 South

      (Black Horse Pike South)

Turn onto Watson Drive between Lowe's and Advance Auto Parts

© 2018 ROCK OF REFUGE by Pastor Donna Pinckney

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